The art
of leadership.

Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Switzerland

The only way a man can remain consistent amid changing circumstances is to change with them.

Winston Churchill

Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Wollerau
Wollerau am Zürichsee
Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Singapur
Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Washington
Washington D.C.
Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Riad

How we
see ourselves

Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Philosopy
  • Board consulting
  • Filling leading management positions
  • Analyzing high achievers’ potential
  • Executive coaching
  • Executive development & promoting young talent
  • Advising on change processes
  • Organizational development for corporations

executive search

Lamprecht Leadership Consultants AG Service

The unique combination of different disciplines sets us apart as a team. We are qualified engineers, businesspeople, social scientists and educators with hands-on experience.

With our extensive corporate experience, we can evaluate people and assess their abilities with no need for questionable personality or intelligence tests. In doing so, we pay attention to specific cultural norms, can "decipher" values, attitudes and emotions, and specialize in identifying behavior patterns such as status orientation or relationship orientation.

This commitment to people is not possible without the ability to enthuse. We do what we do with conviction and enthusiasm. We are enthusiasts. Managing enthusiasm means taking managers and employees along for the ride and motivating them for the common good. And sparking enthusiasm requires emotionally inspiring and persuasive communication.


Nice to
meet you

+41 43 488 19 00    |